
This is the Gallery. That means you've come here to look at special stuff! Personally, I'm fascinated with GIF-making, and am also a building-drawing fanatic. To be honest, I'm probably not going to update this much unless I drew some really intricate thing that I'm genuinely proud of. If I do, then it'll be in here, and the page the art is from will probably reference it! And if it has nothing to do with a page, or even with Valentine as a whole, then I'll probably reference it in the commentary of the page I'm uploading the week it gets posted here.

Christmas Tree

Ornaments and Stuff
Christmas is for spending time with family, not for drawing random trees surrounded by crystals! Did you even have Christmas dinner? This is exactly why you don't have frieeeends-

Hallows Establishment

Ominous Vibes
Brighter than the actual page because I figured it looked too dull on its own, being dark like that. But really, regarding the glowy yellow things on top of the buildings, there was a fine line here between "mysterious sphere of light" and "egg yolk."

Sector Nine's Lodestone

Initial Sketch
This is the version without people in it because I was too sentimental not to keep an empty version. I drew the lines on the Lodestone knowing full well I'd regret it - continuity! Oh, the pain.

Beauregard Manor

GIF Version of Page 2
Interesting... but why's it on fire?

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